jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The Permanet Art

Today I can talk about anything I want! but... that's the difficult, because it's always hard to choose one topic to talk about,  and after think and think I choose: Tattoos.

Well, since I was a little girl I like the art of tattoos, mostly because my brother (eleven years older) always want to get one (or a few), so he always tell me about the signification of some tattoos, what you have to do to keep it health, the risks, etc. And then, when I was ten years old he get his first tattoo, was a bar-code with his RUT on it, for him, this represents that we are just another number for the State. But, after a few years he realized that the art wasn't done properly, so he covered it with another tattoo, this one was made much better. He has four tattoos until now.

I like tattoos because, for me, always has to mean something, whatever, but has to mean something special for you, you don't get one only for be a "cool person" or because you want to tell the people you are a rude person or something fool like that, it's more deeper, has to represent some of your story, has to tell stories, stuff you like, things you love or something you don't want to forget.

Even the tattoo art isn't a new technique, many people think so. But there is evidence of a 5.200 years old tattoo, which was found on a neolithic mummy

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