jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

English Activities

Hello Everyone!

Today we have to do a few activities to practice for the exam, but there were very confusing to me! Like in the writing, because we have to write a letter, but not for our self, that was...

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

The Permanet Art

Today I can talk about anything I want! but... that's the difficult, because it's always hard to choose one topic to talk about,  and after think and think I choose: Tattoos.

Well, since I was a little girl I like the art of tattoos, mostly because my brother (eleven years older) always want to get one (or a few), so he always tell me about the signification of some tattoos, what you have to do to keep it health, the risks, etc. And then, when I was ten years old he get his first tattoo, was a bar-code with his RUT on it, for him, this represents that we are just another number for the State. But, after a few years he realized that the art wasn't done properly, so he covered it with another tattoo, this one was made much better. He has four tattoos until now.

I like tattoos because, for me, always has to mean something, whatever, but has to mean something special for you, you don't get one only for be a "cool person" or because you want to tell the people you are a rude person or something fool like that, it's more deeper, has to represent some of your story, has to tell stories, stuff you like, things you love or something you don't want to forget.

Even the tattoo art isn't a new technique, many people think so. But there is evidence of a 5.200 years old tattoo, which was found on a neolithic mummy

domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2013

Video :)

Dear All, Here it's the Video for November 10th. After I can't upload it nowhere. I Hope you like it :)


jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013

Hello everybody! Today I have to write about a great Chilean, and was so hard to me to choose one, but finally I choose a woman, a woman with a great imagination that fulfill my childhood days with their histories, I talk about Ester Huneeus, best knowing as Marcela Paz.

She was a writer, mostly developed as a child stoyteller. She gave life to one of the most readed saga of Chilean books: Papelucho. 

Who he/she is,

What he/she did,

Why this person's deeds are important,

What question you would like to ask this person if you met them.

Mention anything else you think is important.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

My lovely girls

   Hello everyone! This time I have to talk about two members of my family, Sussy and Matilda, my lady dogs <3

   Well, I met Sussy when I was thirteen years old, I was walking on a street near to my house with my mom and my little sister when we see a little puppy outside of a house, we all think that she was running out by mistake, so my sister pick up her and knock the door, when the door was open I tell to the woman that I was found her puppy and she tell me that wasn't her puppy, was a street puppy that always get inside her front yard and close the door, immediately. We don't know what to do with this little street puppy, but when I see her little and beautiful eyes of afraid and cold I fall in love with her immediately, so I tell to my mom if we can keep it, because was winter and if we don't carry her to our home she probably die the next day for hypothermia, so my mom can't say no to that, and since that day Sussy it's part of my family. 

   I remember that when we bring it home she was so little and fluffy, was like a little teddy bear with huge and beautiful brown eyes. The next day we carry her to the veterinary to get her inoculation. That night she can't sleep, so I decide to put her into my bed and she don't leave until the end of the winter, when my mom tell me to not let her get inside again, but to that time she was more healthy for sleep alone. Four year later Sussy had six babes, and one of them was Matilda. We give four of them in adoption and keep to Matilda and Carito, but she get very sick in her first year and three month later she die. Matilda it's beautiful like her mom, and inherit her beautiful eyes.
   My two girls are very important to me, because she always give me all her love and let me pet them all that I want, because they are full of energy and love to give. They love to play with me or anyone that have a ball or something to play with. The more relaxing thing to me it's caress them with my foot meanwhile they sleep, and they love me when I do that, I know that sound weird, but for us it's an act of love for each other.

She is Sussy, one of my lovely girls <3